Ambelokipi Church of Christ
10 Evrou- Ambelokipi
Athens, Greece 11528
Office Phone Number: 011-3010-779.4840
Dino Tzanetos: 011-30210-963.3380
Times of Worship and Bible Study:
- Sunday Morning Bible Study: 10:00 (Greek)
- Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 (Greek)
- Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 (English)
- Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00 (English)

Our services include preaching, teaching, bible classes, and home bible studies. We also have children and Ladies bible classes. We have hospital and home visitations for church members, friends and prospects.

We receive printed material and English Bibles from the USA which we use in our congregation, the prison ministry, our outreach program, and the mission work.
We have benevolence programs helping church members, prospects, and friends in need with food and medicine, bought by the church or offered by our members, and with used clothes we receive from the USA.

We host in our home members, prospects, and friends for fellowship, Bible studies, devotions, and other special occasions.
We have annual Lectures, Seminars and children's VBS. Also there are many church activities such as fellowship meals, gatherings, weddings, outings, and many others.